8 - Good jobs and economic growth

Supplier Social Assessment


High Risk suppliers (determined by internal risk assessment) to be included in the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) framework under amfori BSCI.

Why relevant
Mirroring environmental issues, our biggest social impact is made by sourcing a diverse range of products, often from suppliers located in high risk countries.

The assessment will include our high, medium and low risk direct suppliers.

Management approach
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading supply chain management system that supports companies drive social compliance and improvements within the factories in their global supply chains. Amfori BSCI implements the principle international labour tandards protecting workers’ rights. We follow the amfori BSCI framework with commitment and in accordance to the amfori BSCI set up, overseen by a Quality Department member of staff.

We are now fully trained in the framework, and are performing risk analysis amongst our 110 direct suppliers each year. We have full overview of our supply chain mapping and are continuesly in dialogue with suppliers. We are currently working hard to get 80 per cent of our total buying volume conducted through the amfori BSCI framework.

The 17 suppliers in the table to the right have now been incorporated into the amfori BSCI framework under which they will now be measured. These 17 ‘suppliers’ account for 19 factories in total and account for 71 per cent of our turnover. We are working to sustain the numbers of suppliers under the framework in 2022. We will work more in depth with the 17 supliers and we anticipate a larger volume of our purchase to be evaluated under the framework as we will increase our purchase volume and invite two to three more suppliers onto the framework.

Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken.

Determined by an internal risk assessment, we have included the suppliers that will have a significant actual and potential negative social impact if not living up to a framework.

Employee Satisfaction


Employee satisfaction min. 80 per cent, measured as Trust index from the Great Place to Work (GPTW) survey.

Why relevant
Besides our specialist knowledge, our most valuable resource is our employees and it is in our DNA as a family-started and family-run business to foster this special relationship and nurture our workforce. 

Our Employee Satisfaction survey encompasses active full-time employees only and who have worked for Oase Outdoors for a minimum of three months and who is not on leave for more than six months.

Management approach
The survey is conducted by an external independent party and anonymity is guaranteed. Only departments with a minimum of five employees receive a separate report.

The current survey was conducted by Great Places to Work in autumn 2021 and the data was presented in November. All employees have had input on the results at departmental level to help make Oase Outdoors an even greater place to work. The high engagement and impact of the results in each department provide a good indicator for managerial action.

The Trust Index of 87 per cent is a record high level against a KPI of 80 per cent.


There has been a large increase in the Trust Index figures compared to 2020. The result is very satisfying and we are now considered among the top in the Great Places to Work assesment.